An authoritative and detailed survey of the languages of the North American Indians.
Language and Culture in Native North America: Studies in Honor of Heinz-Jürgen Pinnow
Ives Goddard is the curator for the Department of Anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution. He is the editor of Handbook of North American Indians, volume 17, Languages, and the coauthor of Native Writings in Massachusett.
This handbook provides broad coverage of the languages indigenous to North America, with special focus on typologically interesting features and areal characteristics, surveys of current work, and topics of particular importance to ...
... Verbal art Abstract : This chapter outlines some of the important linguistic and cultural issues concerning Native American verbal art . While not attempting to be exhaustive , this chapter does attempt to highlight a variety of verbal ...
Classifiers: A typology of noun categorization devices. ... “Nominal Classification: Towards a comprehensive typology”. ... Genders and Classifiers: A cross-linguistic typology ed. by Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald & Elena Mihas, 1–29.
80 Golovko, Evgenij, 18, 245 Goodman, Morris, 210, 231 Gordon, Matt, 415 n. ... 52 Hauswirth, William, 103 Hautmonté, J.-D., 13 Heath, Jeffrey, 136–137 Heath, Shirley Brice, 24 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 35, 37–38, ...
1910 Kwakiutl Tales. Columbia University Contributions to ... 1921 "Ethnology oftheKwakiutl Based on Data Collectedby George Hunt." Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American ... 1947 "Kwakiutl Grammar, With a Glossary of the Suffixes.
Combining historical background with discussion of contemporary Native nations and their living cultures, this comprehensive text introduces students to some of the many indigenous peoples in North America.
The Routledge Handbook of North American Languages is a one-stop reference for linguists on those topics that come up the most frequently in the study of the languages of North America (including Mexico).
Providing a contemporary and comprehensive look at the topical area of areal linguistics, this book looks systematically at different regions of the world whilst presenting a focussed and informed overview of the theory behind research into ...