( 978-1-902272-27-6 ( 7 ) ) text 12.99 ( 978-1-59198-040-7 ( 2 ) , 2245 ) Creative 25.26 ( 978-0-7660-5205-5 ( 2 ) , MyReportLinks.com Tucker ... ( Ancient Discover : Skills for Life , Level 1 : Spanish Home Discovering Art History .
Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity seeks to delineate the causes of and the solutions to health inequities in the United States.
This book presents all the publicly available questions from the PISA surveys. Some of these questions were used in the PISA 2000, 2003 and 2006 surveys and others were used in developing and trying out the assessment.
George Henschel (1850-1934) was one of the finest singers of his day. Born in Breslau of Polish-Jewish parents, he studied in Berlin and became a favorite of the Joachims and...
The latest edition welcomes more diverse voices with new coverage of the Latino/a experience as well as on-going enhanced coverage of gender, African American, Native American, immigration, and LGBTQ history"--
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What hasnÕt changed? Our unmatched affordability. Choose from Full, Brief (15% shorter), or The Essential Learning Edition--featuring fewer chapters and additional pedagogy.
The message of the Sapiential Text numbered 4Q424 may be paraphrased as, “Do not trust a fool to do the work of the wise.” Throughout this writing, the hearer is warned not to depend upon the services of those who are slothful, foolish, ...
This book gives a glimpse into the lives of the Idaho families that owned and worked the land in Dry Creek Valley and Green Meadow, southwestern Idaho from 1863 to approximately 1900 and how their paths diverged--one remained rural, and one ...
Building on his monumental revision of the Seventh Edition, PeterBurkholder has refined an inspired narrative for a new generation ofstudents, placing people at the center of the story.The narrative of...