This brief history connects the past and present of utopianthought, from the first utopias in ancient Greece, right up topresent day visions of cyberspace communities and paradise. Explores the purpose of utopias, what they reveal about thesocieties who conceive them, and how utopias have changed over thecenturies Unique in including both non-Western and Western visions ofutopia Explores the many forms utopias have taken – propheciesand oratory, writings, political movements, world's fairs, physicalcommunities – and also discusses high-tech and cyberspacevisions for the first time The first book to analyze the implicitly utopian dimensions ofreform crusades like Technocracy of the 1930s and ModernizationTheory of the 1950s, and the laptop classroom initiatives of recentyears
Erik Olin Wright’s Envisioning Real Utopias is a comprehensive assault on the quietism of contemporary social theory.
adistinction«. is the simplest imaginable form or structure. As such, a distinction is the cardinal act of cognition. His Laws of Form (Spencer-Brown, 1969) asserts that it is in this phenomenological sense that distinction operates.
Utopias come in every conceivable cultural and sexual shade: communist, fascist, anarchist, green, techno-fantastic, all male, all female.
This work may also be of interest to advocates, activists and professionals in the domains of cycling and sustainable mobilities.
“Communal Socialization Patterns in Hutterite Society. ... “Order Rules the World: Our Children among the Communal Society of the Hutterites. ... Peter, Karl A. The Dynamics of Hutterite Society: An Analytical Approach.
Working-Class Utopias tells the story of this ambitious movement from the construction of the Amalgamated Houses after World War I to the building of Co-op City, the world’s largest housing cooperative, four decades later.
Lockyer, J. and Veteto, J.R. (2013) “Environmental anthropology engaging ecotopia: an introduction,” in J. Lockyer and J.R. Veteto (eds) Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia: Bioregionalism, Permaculture, and Ecovillages, ...
The interplay between ideology and architecture, the social design and the physical design of American utopian communities, is the basis of this remarkable book by Dolores Hayden.At the heart of the book are studies of seven communitarian ...
In this groundbreaking book, Amanda J. Lucia shows how these festivals operate as religious institutions for "spiritual, but not religious" (SBNR) communities.
Rees , Utopian Imagination and Eighteenth - Century Fiction , 5 . 21. Amy Boesky , Founding Fictions : Utopias in Early Modern England ( Athens : University of Georgia Press , 1996 ) ; Lucy Sargisson , “ Contemporary Feminist Utopianism ...