Drawing together leading scholars, the book provides a revealing new map of the US political economy in cross-national perspective.
In this work, politics and policy played at most a peripheral role in explaining the ebb and flow of American inequality. But newer scholarship has given politics a more central place in our understanding of income disparity"--
Available at http:// www.bls.gov/news.release/tenure.t01.htm. ... “Quick Data: College Going Rates and Student Migration.” 2010. ... Reputation and Power: Organization Image and Pharmaceutical Regulation at the FDA.
This chapter extends my earlier work on the United States in Douglas A. Hibbs, Jr., with Douglas Rivers and Nicholas Vasilatos, "On the Demand for Economic Outcomes: Macroeconomic Performance and Mass Political Support in the United ...
This book synthesizes politics and economics by stressing the Republican party's role as a developmental agent in national politics, the primacy of the three great developmental policies (the gold standard, the protective tariff, and the ...
Hibbs identifies which groups “win” and “lose” from inflations and recessions and shows how voters’ perceptions and reactions to economic events affect the electoral fortunes of political parties and presidents.
This book offers an analytical explanation for the origins of and change in property institutions on the American frontier during the nineteenth century.
The New American Political Economy: A Synthesis of Politics and Economics
... century (the railway industry, for example, lost its importance in the twentieth century). In any case, the term ... Banking Act of 1933, savings accounts were capped at 5.25 percent, and time deposits were limited to between 5.75 and ...
This text presents a broad overview of the American political economy, focusing on changing patterns of state-economy relations in the course of the past century.
American Political Economy